Lost Imaginings

Photo by Julia Volk

As I walked through the frost-covered hills at dawn
I was you, and you, in your dreams, were me.
Only the veil of a lifetime tried to keep us from meeting …

Shadows of a truth prevailed:
the formless secret moved, and vague forms—we—
we embraced the heart-shaped clues.

 And there, not on grey-breasted hills,
we met, and danced the briefest dance
before shades of a vision quieted our feet.

 But we did dance.
And the still pool I passed
still reflects lost imaginings.

This poem was first published in April of 1976, along with three others of mine, in Vol. 10, Issue 13 of a magazine called either The Seneca or The Senca. I can’t find evidence online of what I noted but it’s legit as I have the actual page cut out. Anyway, now that I’m back from summer boating and in the wake of quite a few rejections, I thought I’d post some of these older poems. It’s always interesting rediscovering one’s poetic first steps. And I like to think that my time away from the internet (because of remote anchorages) enhances my “inner net” though I am thankful this method of communication is available again. Happy Fall to you all!

Greenway Sound Swallows

I’m finally catching up on publications that happened earlier this year, when I was in Mexico. This is the first of two poems in the WOODLANDS anthology, edited by the wonderful d. ellis phelps. Also appearing in this anthology are poems by Stephanie L. Harper and Robert Okaji! The book is a terrific read, centered on themes of nature, magic, mystery and myth and can be purchased on Amazon US here or Amazon Canada here