Poem Up At Blue Heron Review

I’m thrilled to share that my poem “My Body The Hymn” is now up at Blue Heron Review, Issue 18 – Transformation and Change. It couldn’t have found a better home! My deep thanks to editor Cristina Norcross for including it. The poem is about halfway down the page (18th – you have to scroll)  and can be read here

10 thoughts on “Poem Up At Blue Heron Review

  1. Wow, Lynne! I love how you introduce and construct this hymn! Though, at some level, I could glean from the first moment its whole, underlying rationale, I was still delightfully surprised by to arrive at this moment:

    “so I can be here with you
    no landmines exploding,
    love flaring instead
    in us…”

    Glory be! 

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